Luke is Pretty

Luke Is Pretty

by Damnmydooah

Disclaimer: Let’s do it right this time: Everything pertaining to the Gilmore Girls is not mine. Gah. I feel like crap now.

Author’s Note: A totally pointless late night ditty. I spent the past three days pondering the hazards and advantages of genetically modified products so I needed some distraction. Totally un-beta read. And it took me about 20 minutes to write, so if it sucks, well, suck it up.






Hmmm, Luke. Luke’s nice.

Yep. Luke’s pretty nice. He’s pretty, too. He’s got nice eyes. And nice hands. I like hands.

Good, strong, clean hands. Hands that know how to pour a perfect cup of coffee. Hands that know how to hold a hammer correctly. Hands that know how to comfort you with just one touch. Hands that know how to give you goose bumps.


Let’s not go there.

Hmm. Luke, though.

Pretty Luke. With his pretty hands and pretty eyes. And pretty stubble. On his pretty jaw.

Jaws are good too. Strong, clearly defined jaws signify determination, character. Plus, they’re dead sexy.

Oops again.

Oh well. So what if I think Luke is pretty? Everybody thinks Luke is pretty.

Well, maybe Taylor doesn’t.

Besides, Luke is pretty. He’s got pretty hands and pretty eyes and pretty stubble and a pretty jaw. And a pretty ass.

Oops, schmoops.

Can I help that he chose to wear those tight jeans today? No. Can I help it that Kirk dropped his coffee once again? No. Can I help it that the ground is so low that Luke has to bend over? Hell, no.

Pretty, pretty Luke. Pretty hands, pretty eyes, pretty stubble, pretty jaw, pretty ass,

That’s it, really. I’m sure the rest of him is pretty as well, but this is all I’ve ever seen of him.

Oh! Pretty hair!

Nice and brown and slightly wavy and a little soft. Yup. Definitely pretty hair.

Pretty, pretty, pretty...

“Hey Luke!”


“You’re pretty!”


A/N: I just realized that I may have stolen the last part from one of those FSC’s over at Or .org. I always mix ‘em up. Anyway. No harm intended. Hope it’s okay.

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